Ok, the afternoon outing was a trip to Lake Awassa to see Hippo’s. Carrie was so excited and couldn’t wait to snap some photos of the large river horses. We only had to drive about ten minutes south of Sheshamene to the lake town of Hawassa. When we arrived to the lake our leader talked to the tour boat company and booked a boat trip for us to see the Hippo’s up close.
The boats were very small and water seeped between the wooden boards that is was made from.

There was a small motor that pushed us through the water at about ten mph. It took us about thirty minutes to arrive at the place the Hippo’s where hanging out at. The boat driver was inching us closer to the animals than I felt comfortable being. See I could remember something from watching “Jack Hannah’s Into The Wild” Hippo’s kill more people in Africa than any other animal. They are very territorial, have a bad temper and can move very fast, even in water.

I was relieved when the driver started the engine and turned us back toward the dock. We arrived back at shore just as the sun disappeared behind the mountain tops.

The next morning we woke early and joined three of the ESL teachers on their road trip back to Addis.