
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Visits, Exploring and Leaving our girl.

In the next couple of days the time seemed to fly by. We spent time running around town with our cab driver Sissay.

We met a lot of really nice and helpful people in the city. We bought fresh produce from the venders that set up shop on the side of the road. The bananas were smaller than what we find in the US by they were every bit as good. The price was perfect as well, 8 birr per kilo.

We visited the lime tree restaurant, which serves American dishes. There was one evening that we had dinner at a traditional Ethiopian restaurant with the other adopting families that were in ET to meet their children.

We went to our court appointment to hear that she is officially our daughter but we were still waiting on a letter from MOWA before our paperwork passes court and moves on to US embassy. After court we went to eat at an Italian restaurant followed up by shopping for some traditional clothing for our children.

When we learned of the dates we would be traveling to ET. Carrie contacted the ministry that our youth group and church has been working with to build schools in southern remote villages. The ministry had eight American English teachers working with the local school teachers by teaching ESL classes. They sent the travel company driver north to pick Carrie and me up from the Riviera on our last scheduled day. The last day to visit our daughter was so hard! We love every cute thing about her and just wanted to take her with us. I spoke with Almaz (director) and explained that we were headed to southern ET, but only after she had asked for our trip details and when we were flying out. She was excited for us to take the trip. She told us to be careful because we now have three children that are depending on us.

We had an amazing time in the southern region and I can’t wait to share all of the amazing details… soon.


1 comment:

  1. Tony and Carrie!
    Tears in my eyes seeing you both hold that baby girl! Please keep us updated. She is precious!
